Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Info Terusan Workshop Nop 2013 - Workshop Advanced Microsoft Excel 2010/2013 Technique for Accountant

Workshop Advanced Microsoft Excel 2010/2013 Technique for Accountant
Any proficient Microsoft Excel user will agree that this program is a very powerful analytical tool. Wouldn't it be great to learn how to effectively use all the advanced Excel features? In this practical and information-packed course, you'll see how to maximize this program's functions and capabilities.
Most organizations rely heavily on Excel to consolidate, analyze, and report financial information. Your company is probably no exception. By learning these advanced techniques, you can become more valuable to your organization.
You'll see how to work with the additional analytical tools provided by Excel add-ins and become skilled in using validation to protect the integrity of your worksheets from less experienced users. Impress your coworkers by learning how to add functional and eye-catching custom controls to any worksheet and how to use scenarios and data tables to quickly perform what-if data analyses. You'll discover advanced techniques for PivotTables, such as creating calculated fields and calculated items. Become adept at consolidating and importing external data, and master the art of conditional formatting to highlight duplicate entries and other common worksheet problems.  
Berikut Full Fresh materi yang akan disampaikan:
v  Advanced Formula
v  Advanced Tables & Formatting
v  Advanced Conditional Formatting
v  Advanced Charting Techniques
v  Data Tables, Simulations & Solver
v  Integrating Excel With Other  Tools & Optimizing Excel
v  Using Sparklines, Data Visualizations, and Other Nonchart Methods
v  How to use the forms controls on a worksheet in Excel 


Sudimin Mina
Director Genuine Software Initiative Microsoft Indonesia

Waktu & Tempat Pelatihan

v  Hari & Tanggal   : Sabtu 09 November  2013
v  Waktu                  :  09.00 – 17.00
v  Lokasi                  :  Hotel Ciputra Jakarta Barat

Investasi Pelatihan
v  Rp. 1.800.000,- (Anggota IAI)
v  Rp. 2.000.000,- (Non Anggota IAI/Umum)
(tidak termasuk biaya akomodasi)

v  Materi Pelatihan, CD Pelatihan, & Training Kit
v  Sertifikat Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (Member of IFAC)
v  Makan siang 1x, Rehat 2x
v  Kartu Alumni Pelatihan IAI


Pilihan Tema   : ____________________________________________________________________
Nama              : 1. ___________________Jabatan___________________ No Hp_________________
                          2. __________________ Jabatan________________­­­­­­____No Hp_________________
Instansi            : ____________________________________________________________________
Alamat             : ____________________________________________________________________
Telepon           : ______________________________________ Fax ___________________________
No Reg Akuntan _________________________ (Apabila Anggota IAI)
Email               : _____________________________________________________________________
Pembayaran   :   __Tunai
                                      Transfer a.n Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia
                           __ Bank BCA KCP Jakarta Thamrin Nine No Rek 539.539.1957
                           __ Bank Mandiri KCP Jakarta Cikditiro No Rek 122.000.431.206.5

Telp. 021- 53 988 63, 33 9898 34 atau  98 900 957 ( Fahri dan Meidina)

Hormat Saya
Adam Pambudhi
Divisi Komunikasi,Pemasaran & Pengembangan Bisnis
IAI Knowledge Center Cabang Serpong 
Ruko Sutera Niaga II
Jl. Raya Serpong Km 9 No 16 Tangerang Selatan.
Phone: (021) 5398863, 33989834, 98900957
Fax: (021) 5398920, 390 0016

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